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  1. This town in the Pyrenees of southwest France is the site where the Virgin Mary appeared to a peasant girl named Bernadette in 1858.  The town is now a pilgrimage site with miraculous healing powers.  Also Madonna’s daughters name What is its name?
  2. Which President’s name rhymes with one of Santa’s reindeers?
  3. In 1800, Italian Alessandro Volta showed his amazing new invention to Napoleon, who liked it so much, Napoleon appointed him a count.  What was the invention?
  4. Presidents’ states of birth: George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Jackson
  5. In a lottery, million-dollar winners are paid over 20 years.  If a million dollar winner pays 28% tax, what is their net take-home each year?
  6. The person in charge is often referred to by a slang term related to Mexican food.  What is it?
  7. The Pennsylvania Dutch, Amish people make a pie with a filling of sweet molasses, and it’s so sweet and delicious you have a hard time keeping bugs away from it.  What is it called?




  1. Lourdes
  2. Nixon / Vixen
  3. First Electric Battery
  4. Virginia, Kentucky, South Carolina
  5. $34,000
  6. The Big Enchilada
  7. Shoofly Pie

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