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Monthly Archives: November 2014

As I sit in the room dubbed the back room of the Stew CASA, after setting up my home studio for future audio projects. I looked into the upper corner of the room and saw this can of beer that my dad and mom placed in that spot for over 20 years. I no longer have my parents to laugh and bust their chops for keeping something like this up in the corner of our home. I don’t know how much longer I’ll be in this house the only home I’ve known, but these memories will keep forever in my head. Here are some pictures of the corner and can with what it says in red. I love you mom and dad so much.


List of states that this beer can traveled with my parents

Miller Lite Traveled Can 1993

This and it’s sisters traveled through these states in the bottom of the saddle bags of Bill and Mary Helen’s 1990 Goldwing SE motorcycle

Hillbilly decorations

Miller Lite can, some kind of house, 1996 ATL Olympic Coke Bottle, Bronco’s Super Bowl Champ Can of Beer and a stuffed smiley face guy. You know just your standard list of mementos in a Region Rat home.