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  1. Which famous author wrote “The Sun Also Rises?”
  2. Why does the 3 musketeers bar have the name 3 Musketeers?
  3. What can be African, Chinstrap, King or Emperor?
  4. What was the last name of the Professor on the classic show Gilligan’s Island?
  5. Name the original 12 Apostles?




  1. Ernest Hemingway
  2. It originally had three flavors! Chocolate, Vanilla, and Strawberry!
  3. Penguins
  4. Hinkley
  5. Simon, son of Jonas (also known as Peter or Cephas) (John 1:42)

Andrew, son of Jonas

James, son of Zebedee (nicknamed with his brother, Sons of Thunder) (Luke 5:10)

John, son of Zebedee (nicknamed with his brother, Sons of Thunder) (Luke 5:10)



Matthew (also known as Levi)


James, son of Alpheaus

Simon, the Canaanite (nicknamed the Zealot)

Judas, son of James (also called Lebbaeus or Thaddaeus)

Judas Iscariot

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