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Monthly Archives: September 2012


  1. What Method Of Singing Does The Singer Alternate Between Natural Voice & Falsetto?
  2. What is an ecdysiast?
  3. In which month is United Nations Day?
  4. In which year was the Berlin Wall constructed?
  5. Clair Huxtable of “The Cosby Show” was part of a brigade of high-powered professional moms that took television by storm in the 1980s. What was her profession?




  1. Yodeling
  2. A striptease artist
  3. October (24th)
  4. 1961
  5. Lawyer


  1. What was the surname of the inventor who first vulcanized rubber in 1839?
  2. Who plays the character Data on Star Trek the Next Generation?
  3. Who Was the Backing Group to Sam the Sham On ‘Woolly Bully’?
  4. What Is The First Event Of The Decathlon?
  5. Frigophobia is the fear of what?





  1. Goodyear
  2. Brent Spiner
  3. The Pharaohs
  4. The 100m
  5. Being Cold



  1. Who is the biggest landowner in New York City?
  2. What are the top three most common sports mascot of US colleges and universities?
  3. Which two characters in the Harry Potter series did author J.K. Rowling name after her grandfathers?
  4. Derek Jeter has had 17 150-hit seasons. Name the only 4 other players now in the big leagues who have had 11+.
  5. Which Was The First Magazine To Publish A Hologram On The Front Cover?





  1. Catholic Church
  2. The eagle, the tiger and the bulldog.
  3. Ernie and Stan, the driver and conductor the magical Knight Bus.
  4. Albert Pujols, A-Rod, Ichiro, Todd Helton
  5. The National Geographic


  1. In Which Country Was Fuel Injection For Cars Introduced In 1954?
  2. Word Up’ Was A 1986 Hit for Which Band?
  3. What does the B stand for in Lyndon B Johnson?
  4. What Was Ho Chi Min City Called Before The Year 1975?
  5. What teams played in the 1st All-California Super Bowl?




  1. Germany
  2. Cameo
  3. “Baines (Lyndon B Johnson, 1908-73”
  4. Saigon
  5. San Francisco 49ers and San Diego Chargers

1. What’s the most common nickname of a major league baseball pitcher?
2. Who Wrote The Novels The Firm And The Pelican Brief?
3. Who Had A Hit With ‘Kiss On My List’?
4. What was the name of Dagwood Bumstead and Blondie’s dog?
5. Which Large Animals Did Hannibal Bring With Him Across The Alps?

1. “Lefty”
2. John Grisham
3. Hall & Oats
4. Daisy
5. Elephants